What is ATI?
Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI) are the leading Professional Body for Accounting Technicians in Ireland, with more than 10,000 members and students in Ireland. Accounting Technicians Ireland was founded in 1983 and since then we have provided accounting qualifications which are recognised both nationally and internationally. These qualifications help to open the door to a rewarding career as an Accounting Technician, as well as further study. Our Members are employed in industry, practice, and the public sector, where they carry the professional designation of MIATI.
We provide flexible study options suitable for people of all ages who want to pursue a career in accounting and finance. Students can choose to study full-time, part-time, online or through our apprenticeship. Find out more about our study options here. Our qualifications are based on specific skill sets employers require, and we provide our Accounting Technicians with life-long learning opportunities throughout their career. We ensure that our programme is delivered to the highest possible standards by providing support services to colleges, co-ordinators and college lecturers. These supports include liaison days, teaching support, marketing support and standards assurance. Upon commencing your studies with Accounting Technicians Ireland, you become part of our Community of Practice, a network of professionals, located throughout Ireland.
To find out more about Accounting Technicians Ireland, get in touch.
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