Difference Between Full Time And Part Time Study
Deciding between studying full time or part time is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly. Your college experience will differ majorly and there are some very important factors to consider. Depending on your financial, personal and lifestyle needs, you may find that either part time or full time study is better. Whatever decision you make you should think about what is best for you as a student.
What is a full time student?
Usually, a full time student is enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per semester or approximately four classes. As a full time student you will have permanent contact with your peers and the opportunity to discuss projects, exams and assignments. Overall, you will spend more time at the college and will have the chance to process the information, practice and repeat the taught material. In other words, you will be fully immersed in the experience. There will be many opportunities for you to meet and discuss your work with lecturers and tutors.
What is a part time student?
Part time students usually take up fewer than 12 credit hours per semester. You will have a lot more flexibility and only need to fit in two classes around any of your other responsibilities. An open schedule like this will allow you to work while you’re studying. This is a major advantage to most people as it means they can pay some of their tuition or living expenses, perhaps without having to take out a loan.
Full time vs. part time
Work load - full time students take on more modules than part time students. A part time course would be useful if you prefer focussing on fewer classes at the same time.
Financing - for part time students tuition costs are generally less. As a full time student you will have to pay more up front but will get more bang for your buck. It is also important to consider whether you intend on taking out a loan or continuing to work.
Time - it is important to consider what your goals are for after you graduate and their time frames. If it is the case that you would like to start your career as soon as possible then full time may be the best option. However, if you would prefer more time to consider your options and career choices and decide what you want to do long term, part time study is a good option.
Whichever option you choose will still be great for your overall education and career goals so go with the one that suits you best!
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